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The National Center for State Courts (NCSC), through the Center for Elders and the Courts, maintains a Guardianships listserv for judicial officials and court staff with interests in the areas of adult guardianships and conservatorships.  The purpose of the listserv is to share information on resources and practices that can help courts improve the guardianship process.

Please note: The listserv is intended for the sole purpose of court personnel.  It is not to be used for marketing purposes or to discuss individual guardian/conservator cases.  NCSC retains the authority to manage the subscription list to meet these purposes.

NCSC welcomes new members to the listserv and looks forward to engaging discussions revolving around a variety of topics, such as guardianship hearings, the use of technology to improve practices, auditing processes and statewide reform efforts.

Join us on the Listserv:

Just send an email message to the listserv.  In the body of the message, put "join guardianships."  You do not need to give the message a subject. You will receive a reply asking you to confirm that you are the person at that address and providing further instructions on participation in the listserv. For more information, please contact Dr. Diane Robinson.