Elder abuse, which includes neglect and financial exploitation, is a growing problem that has implications for the courts. The Elder Abuse pages provide background information as well as resources and tools designed to help courts improve their identification of and response to elder abuse.
Learn about the definitions and types of elder abuse, court jurisdictions that may hear elder abuse issues, and elder abuse laws.
This section offers indicators or "red flags" of elder abuse, a discussion of the legal concepts of capacity, consent and undue influence, and an overview of mandatory reporting requirements.
Use the templates offered through the Elder Abuse Toolkit for Prosecutors and the Elder Abuse Toolkit for Courts. Learn about ABA Guidelines, and model courts and programs.
Toolkits for Prosecutors and Courts
The purpose of the toolkits is to promote the effective prosecution of, and court responses to, elder abuse, neglect and exploitation.
Assessment Resources and Coordination
Get resources that will help courts improve coordination with justice agencies and community service providers and identify resources pertaining to capacity assessment.